by bernie | May 24, 2014 | cycling gear
Well, that was a long hot windy day Things I learned: – Day starts with a slight breeze from the south, allowing a reasonable average speed of 16+ mph. – Breeze turns into a headwind of 20mph as the day warms up and bike speed drops to 12mph and adds 2...
by bernie | May 23, 2014 | places, preparation
So it begins – landing at OKC airport, unpacking and assembling the bike and cycling south to Norman in preparation for 600+miles in six days. Temperature was 31C/89F with a headwind out of the south at 10mph and gusting to 20mph. I planned my daily mileage...
by bernie | Jul 6, 2012 | cycling gear, cycling philosophy, places, preparation, videos
Over the last few years I have systematically pedaled my way across the U.S.A (Trip Blog Here), with each segment trip getting progressively more ambitious as I got stronger and faster. I decided to re-do the very first trip (Tucson Arizona to El Paso Texas) that took...
by bernie | Jun 13, 2012 | places, videos
Day 4 of my solo bicycle ride near the Mexican border. When I did this stretch 13 years ago it took me three days. This time I did it in one day.
by bernie | Nov 25, 2011 | places, videos
This cycling day was framed by 100 degree weather and an 88-mile ride uphill into the wind