Over the last few years I have systematically pedaled my way across the U.S.A (Trip Blog Here), with each segment trip getting progressively more ambitious as I got stronger and faster.
I decided to re-do the very first trip (Tucson Arizona to El Paso Texas) that took me eight days to do thirteen years ago – This time I set the goal of doing the trip in four days i.e cut trip time in half.
Here’s the full list of videos, each video 3-5 minutes long:
Episode 1: Trip Review Setting the Goal – Re-do a cycling trip done 13 years ago in 1/2 the time
Episode 2: Trip preparation Key differences between the first attempt and this ride
Episode 3: Trip Gear and Supplies Packing for speed and circumstances
Episode 4: Phoenix AZ to Tucson AZ A delayed flight and technology problems put me behind schedule and pedaling in the dark.
Episode 5: Tucson AZ to Tombstone AZ 100 deg weather and strong winds make for a trying day
Episode 6: Tombstone AZ to Douglas AZ Visiting the OK Corral and pedaling up Mule Mountain
Episode 7: Douglas AZ to Columbus NM 144 mile day along the Mexican border
Episode 8: Columbus NM to El Paso TX Achieving the Goal
Comments welcome, and thank you very much for letting me share my story with you.